Touhou Project is a game that follows a “danmaku” gameplay style, which involves intense bullet hell patterns where players control one of the characters and...
The immersive and visually stunning open-world action RPG, Genshin Impact, continues to captivate players to this day through its breathtaking landscapes, diverse...
Honkai: Star Rail, the new HoYoverse space fantasy game released. Is it a Genshin Impact clone just set in a different world? Maybe? Maybe not? Opinions may differ...
“Hello, Doctor. I am Elite Operator Rosmontis. Ms. Kal’tsit has given her permission. You can give me and my team orders now. Use my power where it matters,...
Upon reading the name Surtr, I was imagining either an old dude who somehow resembled a prisoner man from Metal Slug but in giant form like the photo in Wikipedia for...
The Tokyo Big Sight once again sets the stage for the grand spectacle that is the Winter Comiket or “Comic Market”, Japan’s biggest comic-related event of the...
Mobile game developer miHoYo’s Genshin Impact that they exceeded global expectations for mobile gaming. The open-world, inspired by Breath of the Wild, gacha action...
“The lonely girl who once feared her own power, trapped in the space between dragon and mortal, is no more. With the love from her parents, the kindness of her best...
Rosaria, a sister in Mondstadt’s Church of Favonius. A sister of the church, though you wouldn’t know it if it weren’t for her attire. An unusual woman...
“Kuroinu: Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru” started as a Japanese adult visual novel developed by Liquid and released in 2011. The game features erotic...
It’s been a while since I last saw a Legend of the Condor Heroes cosplay. Although this time, it’s not from the tv series or from the anime. Pion’s cosplay is of...
I’m Baltimore, the lead ship of my class of CAs. I was the first CA to be designed and constructed without the limitations of any naval treaties, thanks to which I...