There’s a popular manga in Japan where it’s about brutal alien killing called Gantz. It’s a seinen action (adult action) manga which tells the story of Kei Kurono...
Are you familiar with Gantz? No? Here’s a not so spoilery synopsis: Gantz is a Japanese manga about Kei Kurono who dies together with a few other people, who are then...
This sweet cosplay girl did a great job in order to revive the one of the most cheerful schoolgirl with magical powers – Minako Aino from famous manga series Codename:...
Gamers who’re familiar with Resident Evil Village will know this lady as Alcina who has vampire-like qualities, never ages, has super human strength, and relies on...
I’ve got mondo respect for people who cosplay webcomic characters, because they’re pretty much guaranteed to be representing very small but very dedicated fan...
A game with sword as a title but with a wizard? Granado Espada or Grand Sword The world of Granado Espada takes place on a newly discovered continent based on the...
With all the Chanisaw Man cosplays out there, it’s nice to see a character that isn’t too mainstream be cosplayed, right? Imagine late night video chats with the...
YoRHa No. 2 Type B or “2B” for short is a fictional soldier android character from the game called Nier: Automata. She is one of the three protagonists in the game...
The Witcher games have gained a large and passionate fan base because of its rich storytelling. The game is based on a series of fantasy novels by Polish author Andrzej...
“All space and time are practically infinite, and yet right here, right now, we find ourselves together. That’s the nature of destiny — it creates a miracle...