Vampy Got Gantz


There’s a popular manga in Japan where it’s about brutal alien killing called Gantz. It’s a seinen action (adult action) manga which tells the story of Kei Kurono and Masaru Kato, both whom died in a train accident and become part of a semi-posthumous “game” in which they and several other recently deceased people are forced to hunt down and kill aliens armed with a handful of futuristic items. But our focus isn’t about Kei or Masaru but for female manga character who is a model and became part of the dreadful game, Rei Shimohira.

Gantz.446133Rei is a popular Japanese idol who has a talent in acting, modelling and singing but like Masaru and Kei she is also a victim of the Shinjuku Massacre and end up in the game Gantz. Reika is a kind person showing compassion for those killed during the Gantz missions, she is best described as Kurono’s “side kick” during the missions, providing support for those trying to stay alive and helping Kurono complete his missions. Unlike most of the other Gantz players, Reika is quick to charge at the aliens if it means helping Kurono.

Luckily Vampy is also fan of Gantz which can be seen in her cosplay. She cosplayed Rei Shimohira wearing a tight leather suit and a katana for killing Aliens. I love the sleek black outfit of hers more than the original Rei Shimohira outfit to be honest since it has the leathery shine look. What’s more is that they were able to copy the gun of Rei Shimohira which is kinda odd since it’s hard for those to be bought, well maybe she made it. I don’ t really know. But overall Vampy never fails to impress me in tailoring her outfits and portraying characters in the cosplay industry.

I have more Vampy cosplay to come so might as well follow her on Twitter, Facebook and visit her Website. Also, support her by buying her prints in her online store. Don’t forget to follow the Photographer, Long Vo, for capturing these gorgeous photos of Vampy!


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