Since 1996 Tokyo Game Show has gathered otakus from all over Japan and from outside of Japan to its yearly grand expo. This year, with more or less 254,311 attendees,...
Tokyo Game Show, also known as TGS, is a 3 to 4 day video game expo that is held every year during the month of September in Makuhari Messe, a well-known convention...
Whenever I chance upon a cosplay of Boa Hancock it’s always that one of her wearing the red dress – her signature outfit. As a cosplayer, to be easily...
Still have a hang-over from the 2016 League of Legends World Championship even after you’ve just about re-watched almost all the gameplays and played all the...
Imagine going into a bar and walking into a drunk Jeanne d’Arc (Alter) from Fate/Grand Order. If you’re having time visualizing, perhaps this cosplay by 肉宅 Rou...
Compassionate, kind spirited, and a skilled ninja, such is the personality of Princess Kasumi from the fighting game series by Team Ninja and Tecmo called “Dead or...
Remember that one episode on Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya that was more jailbait than the rest of the other episodes? Oh, who am I kidding, all the episodes are...
The mechanic’s here and she’s here to fix up but at the same time going to take you apart with her sexiness. Here’s living proof that girls can be cute but still...
Hey, admiral, you better put on your hat and get ready to leave! Because your battle ship has arrived and is waiting for you at the beach. Here’s another...
Would you like a pet dragon? Yes? Great, me too. How about a dragon in a maid outfit? A bikini? Still no? But what if I told you the dragon is in human form? I’m...
Hey, Evangelion fans, specially the tsundere fans, here’s a treat for you. Definitely, summer is obviously just around the corner but it’s not everyday that...