Masuimi Max wishes us a Happy Fourth


When David Lee Roth sang about the Yankee Rose, we know darn sure that he had Masuimi Max in his future’s mind. She pulls out the American Flag and sends us off to a great Fourth of July pin-up style. This shoot reminds me–a lot–of the pin-up shoots that some of us grew up with. I will say that the posing style does remind me of Betty Page. This shoot is compact in more than one way and it really is amazing just how tight that dress can get. Equally amazing is how Masuimi Max can pose like this (see the shot with her elbows on her legs) in those heels! As a friend once said, ‘where did she get that dress!’, I’m going to add something about the shoes too.

Masuimi Max’s strength is just that–strength. If anyone thinks these poses on high heels are easy, try it out for yourself. I’m rather taken back by the body control she has here. She mentions a bendy shoot–man, I hope that is next! If anyone can pull it off, Masuimi Max can!

15 photos: Haus of Se7en
latex: Latex Catfish
makeup: I Am Sin

Happy 4th of July!!!

XOXO, Masuimi
P.S. How’d you like to see an artistic bendy shoot?


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