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Romantic Sansa Stark and Margaery Tygell Cosplay by Bookish Cosplay

This cosplay by Tookish Cosplay shows how two close friends could conceivably become lovers. After all, Sansa Stark and Margaery Tygell share a common source of...

Game of Thrones – Sansa’s new wedding and a Queen rides to battle

The Game of Thrones is back with a new episode and a new SPOILER ALERT from your old pal Jim. Remember last week when I said Bran was doing some super creepy stuff...

Game of Thrones Winds of Winter Episode 60

Game of Thrones: Winds of Winter

Bitches rule. The matriarchy is having a good run in the Seven Kingdoms and across the Narrow Sea. So the season finale of the sixth season of HBO’s Game of...

Game of Thrones 57: The Broken Man oh, man did they just kill _____!

The Broken Man That’s what I will be if George RR Martin dies before releasing the kraken. We start out in Bob the Builder land. Can we bring yet another old...

Game of Thrones 54 – Book of the Stranger

Did you miss me? Well, I’m back and so is the goodness that is the Game of Thrones. It was a Game of Starks last time with everyone from Jon Snow Stark (seriously,...

Game of Thrones 62 – Home Sweet Home

As I sit and await the second episode of Game of Thrones, I can’t help but reflect on all those unanswered questions from E1. Is Jon Snow coming back? Will Lady...

Game of Thrones 51 – The Red Woman

Disclaimer: This is a review–there shall be things told and discussed so if you are still downloa…errr…watching on HBO, please wait until after to read...


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