Raygun Robyn

Maker of Awesome, Professional Funny Jerk, Expat from Mars https://raygunrobyn.com

Arrow – League of Assassins

Jesus, Sarah, no one is going to tell your family you’re back. Keeping secrets is what they do! No one even knows that Ollie is Canadian!! Laurel is now on the...

Arrow – Crucible

In our fourth installment of this season, Ollie is late to the Terminator’s party as he was chasing down gun runners in the Glades. Sebastian Blood isn’t...

Arrow – Broken Dolls

So Ollie gets double crossed by Laurel, which is a dick move on her part, but who comes to his rescue, none other than Corsety McBlondey, Black Canary. Smexxxy! Ollie...

Arrow – Identity

Now that Ollie is back in Star City for good, he has a lot of work to do. Those triad jerks are stealing hospital supplies from the Glades and leaving a whole lot of...

Arrow – City of Heroes

Previously on Arrow, a whole lot of shit went down! And we’re back. Here we are with Felicity and Diggle on a helicopter, heading to the Lost island in search of...

SDCC 2013 Cosplay

San Diego Comic Con, you beast you. As a cloud of nerds descended on San Diego, most of us watched in anticipation and horror from the comfort of our couches and desk...

Riddick Movie Trailer

Look, yes I like good storytelling and compelling characters. I also like terrible action movies. I’m a complicated person. The Riddick Trilogy is one of those...

Mass Effect EDI Catsuit

AAAAAAA! I have wanted to see someone cosplay as EDI from Mass Effect for sometime, but as it is a rather, ahem, constricting costume, I haven’t seen someone try....

Sonic Fabric

Conceptual artist Alyce Santoro has come up with a fascinating use for old cassette tapes, in a most fashionable way. I love when old technology is used and recreated in...

Game of Thrones – Mhysa

So now that everyone’s come to some terms with the Stark massacre that happened last episode, a Starkacre if you will, what exactly is going to happen to the war?...

Lady Thor Cosplay

We love crossplay here at the SF, ladies dressing as male characters, men dressing up as ladies. We love it. And this Lady Thor does not disappoint. We’ve seen...

Crystal Brush Miniature Winners

Miniatures figures are a big deal and recently Crystal Brush held it’s annual painting competition in conjunction with CoolMiniorNot Expo. Categories included...


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