Raygun Robyn

Maker of Awesome, Professional Funny Jerk, Expat from Mars https://raygunrobyn.com

Jeffie Space Babe Leggings

How much do we love leggings? Let me count the ways. Number one, yes they’re pants, just cover your chola with a long shirt. Number two, sexing up fandoms is what...

Alexandria Still Burns: Librarians & the Fight for Knowledge

Alexandria Still Burns: Librarians & the Fight for Knowledge

Photographer Kyle Cassidy is running a Kickstarter to fund an ongoing project that shows the importance of libraries in this modern era. We know Neil Gaiman feels the...

Game of Thrones – The Children

HBO, I hate you. MORE EPISODES OR SER POUNCE GETS IT! Jon ventures out into the frozen north to meet/kill Mance. Mance has his own ideas, though, he’s got the...

superhero workout

Arrow Stephen Amell Training Video

Game of Thrones The Watchers on the Wall

Game of Thrones – The Watchers on the Wall

So this fantastic episode was one big, epic fight scene with a side of giants and a dusting of lost and found love. I don’t know how exactly to go about recapping this...

Flash First Look Trailers

“Arrow”‘s season finale was a bit on the meh side, but it did give us our first look at the new “Flash” show from the CW. So, that’s...

Game of Thrones – The Mountain and The Viper

Mole Town looks like a pretty shitty place. There’s no way I would ever buy real estate there. It looks dirty and full of STDs. The Wildlings continue there Tour...

Game of Thrones – Mockingbird

Tyrion is running out of friends and time as his trial by combat draws near. The Mountain finally rears his ugly head as champion for the Crown, which scares the shit...

Arrow – Unthinkable

Finally! The finale! All this incredibly slow build up is finally going to pay off! Right?! RIGHT!? The cure worked on Roy, just in time for him to be totally...

Game of Thrones Laws of Gods and Men

Game of Thrones – The Laws of Gods and Men

A large portion of this episode was devoted to Tyrion’s trial, the second for him, and he should really do a better job at staying out of trouble. But we’ll...

Arrow – Streets of Fire

Here’s a fun game, every time Ollie has a wooden look on his face, DRINK! Take your shirt off goddamnit, that would really improve these last couple episodes....

Superhero Panties for Special Ladies

Over at Superhero Stuff, they’ve got some brand new panties for the favorite lady in your life. My favorites are the Batgirl lace panties, tho I prefer to think of...


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