Jim Phoenix

Bazowie! Magazine Interview & Last Chance Vaughn Belak Kickstarter

This month I had the chance to interview Vaughn Belak. I found out about this killer artist via a Barely Evil Magazine interview and I was captivated by his work. I...

Julie Sigtuna gets freaky

CosplayMate is back and they bring us a photo and video set ‘from’ Julie Sigtuna from Absolute Duo. When I say Cosplay Mate brings both a video and...

Dodging Knives and Throwing Bullets – the dark new kickstart by Vaughn Belak

Dodging Knives and Throwing Bullets is the hot new art book being spun off the presses by BlueBlood. This one is a doozy, folks. An Amelia G interview, in Barely Evil...

Game of Thrones – Season 7 finale #WinterIsHere

HBO, the only cable outlet ballsy enough to show two (rotating pairs of) siblings/close relations getting freaky each season. Let’s face it, I haven’t seen...

Game of Thrones: From Ash to Behind the Wall

HBO, the only cable source driven enough to let a ginger giant(bane) of a bloke boldly claim, ‘Dick. I like it.’ We start this episode with a lot of brave...

Game of Thrones – The Witches of Eastwatch

Game on! HBO swerves all the internet with its newest episode of the Game of Thrones. Did Jaime die? How wrong was I on the Tarly thing? Does Brann drop the figurative...

Game of Thrones – Sansa’s new wedding and a Queen rides to battle

The Game of Thrones is back with a new episode and a new SPOILER ALERT from your old pal Jim. Remember last week when I said Bran was doing some super creepy stuff...

Game of Thrones – Queen’s Justice of Kneebending Goodness

Game of Thrones is back and so is the Queen’s Justice. Oh, the Three Eyed Raven just might make an appearance and so does Jaime’s past (or so I was told). The...

Game of Thrones – Stormborn aka The Empire Strikes Back

From the Game of Thrones season opener, we know that Daenerys is about to wage war on the fragmented kingdoms whilst her kin Jon is at war with the undead (and Sansa,...

Montreal Comic Con – Much Ado about Hamlet

Bonjour hi. It’s Jim again, and I’m back with another Comic Con review. This time, we are off to the land of Poutine and Beaver, Montreal. I have my hands...

Game of Thrones – Dragonstone aka MacGuffin Land #WinterIsHere

If you forgot anything from last season, here is a recap: Almost everyone you liked is probably dead; King’s Landing is Kaboom town; and, Arya is all X-23. Who let...

Las Vegas Comic Con – Vagina and Stan Lee (Day 3)

Welcome, True Believers! It’s been crazy over in Jimbo land, but here is that long awaited Part 3 of the Las Vegas Comic Con series. In it, I drop a few Stan Lee...


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