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Arrow – Unfinished Business

Is it wrong that I laughed really hard when the chick wandering the highway in the openin gets hit by a car? Something about the camera angle just made me lose it....

Arrow – Salvation

On tonight’s Shirtless Superheroes, Ollie gives us a rundown on a baddie as he does crazy pull-up things while Felicity drools. You can’t blame a girl, those...

Arrow – The Huntress Returns

I was out picking up a pizza because the chicken I made saddened me, so the Hubs took notes for the first ten minutes. Here is his contribution: * Dresden Files and his...

Arrow – Betrayal

You guys! I figured out where Ollie was after his boat sank. He washed up on the “Lost” island! Why else would there be a giant crashed plane with weirdos...

Arrow – Burned

Oh Man Candy, where have you been these past weeks? Nothing like a gratuitous shirtless scene to welcome back our favorite archer while he shows us his “Ninja...


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