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Game of Thrones – Oathkeeper

Wow you guys, what HAPPENED with this episode? This shit went off the rails, and not in a good way. I’m not sure I like these changes that are happening from the...

Game of Thrones – Breaker of Chains

Remember that time that Joffrey choked to death at his own wedding? Yeah, that was pretty great. I mean, not looking at his gross purple face and bulging out eyes, but...

Game of Thrones – The Lion and The Rose

HBO felt it necessary to sully this episode with a “teaser” for the last season of “True Blood”. All I can say, is THANK FUCKING ZUUL THAT SHIT...

Game of Thrones – Two Swords

We open season four with Tywin melting down Ned Stark’s Valyrian sword, Ice, in a last ruthless gesture to show that he has conquered and obliterated the Starks...

Game of Thrones – Second Sons

I spent a lot of this episode rubbing my hands together in anticipation, because I knew what was coming and all of it pleased me. Our favorite Wolf Girl continues her...

Game of Thrones – The Climb

Sam sure does have too much wood as Gilly points out, but he doesn’t know what to do with it. They are continuing their flight south after the massacre at...

Game of Thrones – Kissed by Fire

Episode Five!!!! It’s going too fast! Too fast! Slow down! Make this book two seasons! I feel like they did an excellent job with this episode, advancing the...

Game of Thrones – And Now His Watch is Ended

Ol’ Lefty Lannister ain’t doing so well now that he’s an appendage lighter. He’s lost a lot of blood and completely gives up. It’s hard to...

Game of Thrones – Walk of Punishment

Okay, episode three, let’s do this! Lots of stuff going on in this episode as the major story lines really start to get going. Robb finally sounds like a king as...

Game of Thrones: Dark Wings, Dark Words

Let the Green Dreams begin! Bran dreams of running and hunting and days past and future while the Three Eyed Crow watches and laughs. We quickly catch up with Kat and...

Game of Thrones – Valar Dohaeris

YEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSS Game of Thrones is back!!! Yeah!! So excited for this season, so much crazy shit is going to happen, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! Did you catch in the...

Game Of Thrones Season 3 Full Trailer

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA NERDGASM!!! The new trailer for season 3 “Game of Thrones” debuted on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” last night, which means I...


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