Raygun Robyn

Maker of Awesome, Professional Funny Jerk, Expat from Mars https://raygunrobyn.com

Game of Thrones – First of His Name

After last week’s What the Fuckitude, I’m going to really, really try not to get hung up on the books versus the show and the order of things and whether or...

Arrow – City of Blood

Tonight is a night of airing of secrets. And talking. Lots and lots of talking. Laurel knows Ollie is the Arrow. Everyone knows Sebastian is working for Slade. Ollie...

Game of Thrones – Oathkeeper

Wow you guys, what HAPPENED with this episode? This shit went off the rails, and not in a good way. I’m not sure I like these changes that are happening from the...

Arrow – Seeing Red

Roy had too much Red Bull and now he’s got wings, destroying the lair, which interrupts boring, sexy times with Ollie and Sarah. He runs and we spend the whole...

Game of Thrones – Breaker of Chains

Remember that time that Joffrey choked to death at his own wedding? Yeah, that was pretty great. I mean, not looking at his gross purple face and bulging out eyes, but...

Arrow – The Man Under The Hood

Our Dream Team breaks into Queen Labs to blow the thing sky high since Slade was trying to make MIRAKURU by the bucket load and create an army of super jerks. Bad news...

Game of Thrones – The Lion and The Rose

HBO felt it necessary to sully this episode with a “teaser” for the last season of “True Blood”. All I can say, is THANK FUCKING ZUUL THAT SHIT...

Game of Thrones – Two Swords

We open season four with Tywin melting down Ned Stark’s Valyrian sword, Ice, in a last ruthless gesture to show that he has conquered and obliterated the Starks...

Arrow – Deathstroke

Thea’s new friend quickly turns on her in some serious “someone broke daddy’s new golf club” rage. And Brother Blood shows up to be creepy. Back...

Arrow – Birds of Prey

This episode is thick with shaky cam and lighting tricks. It’s annoying, director John Behring. And this episode is lame. Super, super lame. You could really just...

Arrow – Suicide Squad

Ollie meets up with his old comrades to find out intel on Slade, but not before he has to scratch Alexie’s back. Scratch that, Ollie works for no one else. That...

Arrow Promise TV Show

Arrow – The Promise

So our boy Slade knows how to make a splash and is at Queen mansion to make a huge donation to Moira’s campaign. And weird gross googley eyes at her, erm, eye. He...


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