Bazowie Awards 2024 Best Horror Themed Toy Nominees


While we are all getting amped up for the Bazowie! Awards livestream, I thought I’d just highlight a few categories. If you like your sex dark and creepy, there were a lot of toys right up your alley this past year. The stuff of delicious nightmares. Dear readers, we hope you will join us for March the 4th’s Bazowie Awards livestream, in less than a week and a half. Meanwhile, the Bazowie Awards 2024 nominees for Best Horror Themed Toy are:

All Seer from FactoryD

Atratus from Bat Bites Toys

Coffin Penetrable from Darque Path

Furantur from Exotic Erotics

Graveyard Ghoul from John Thomas Toys

Hades 2.0 from Darque Path

Heinous Penis from KrakenMonster Lab

Karkinos from Nothosaur

MeatCanyon from Bad Dragon

Nattmaran from Twilight Meadow Creations

Oct-O-Lantern from Chillow Fantasy

Phobos from Xenocat Artifacts

Sexromancer from FactoryD

Slater the Stone Wyvern from Bad Dragon

Succubus Silicone Grinder from Sinnovator

The Coffin Grinder from Odyssey Toys

The Creeper from SWISOK

Yuanti from Wandering Bard


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