SkyV_’s Warm And Sexy Cammiversary Party


It is a special day, a day for celebration, because SkyV_ is having her 5-year cammiversary party in her room, and she’s chosen to cam with an outfit that’s revealing and sexy, and which issues a soft warning that I’ve elected to ignore.

Her outfit is based on warning tape, and it goes all over her body covering up her lady bits in a beautiful way that kind of reminds me of Max Payne 1’s cover art, you know, the one where Max’s Image appeared as if done with chalk, with police tape over him. I too ignored the tape that time, and if the game Max Payne and SkyV_’s sexy show serve as proof of anything it is that, in these two very particular cases, going in anyway can be a recipe for a great time, particularly considering the amazing cleavage that SkyV_ sports behind that yellow tape.

Happy cammiversary, SkyV_!


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