Kamen Rider Photoshoot


Kamen Rider or Masked Rider is a live-action television series in Japan created by Shotaro Ishinomori that aired from April 3,1971 to February 10,1973 on Mainichi Broadcasting System and then NET TV that is now known as TV Asahi.

This series was then followed by Kamen Rider V3 on February 17,1973 to February 9,1974. It was followed by several Kamen Rider versions and on our generation, the well-known version was Kamen Rider BLACK or Masked Rider Black, which aired from October 4,1987 to October 9,1988.

Since then, a lot of Kamen Rider versions came out especially those including female versions. This inspired the cosplayers in the Philippines last July 2016 to have a Kamen Rider photoshoot with the help of the photographer, Willord Ordona.


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