Arrow – Betrayal


You guys! I figured out where Ollie was after his boat sank. He washed up on the “Lost” island! Why else would there be a giant crashed plane with weirdos inside of it?! And military forces? And weird Asian guys who aren’t who they seem. All this ring a bell? We get a new weirdo in the mix, who I guess is trying to escape? But who is this guy? What’s Asian dude’s deal?

Hey, it’s that guy from “Alias” and “Heroes” and other stuff. He usually plays a bad guy so this isn’t a surprise, and he’s kinda hot, that doesn’t hurt. Cyrus Vanch, who apparently doesn’t come from any of the comics, comes back to town after being released from prison and is quick to try and get a piece of the Triad game.

Moira’s dirty little secrets slowly start to leak out as Diggle questions what exactly she knows. Ollie confronts her with the second List but of course she denies everything and throws the List into the fire. Diggle presses on, much to Ollie’s chagrin and he finally catches her meeting with Big Bad Merlyn. Here’s where something dumb happens. Diggle records their conversation, through a wall, sure, but why is Merlyn’s voice all garbled? Cuz they can’t reveal that quite yet. Annoying.

It sure seems like Arrow is killing a lot of henchmen lately. I mean, arrows aren’t usually non-lethal when they hit you in the chest, right? I mean I’m not a doctor but it’s gonna leave a scratch.

Laurel and Dresden get into it when he uses her for bait to try and catch The Hood. That was a pretty dirty move on his part but you can’t exactly blame him. Drastic times. When is he gonna realize that The Hood is mostly on the good side? She also fights with crappy Tommy but who cares about that? Nobody? Yup, sounds right. At least she does know how to defend herself when the Baddie of the Week swoops down on her.

Wait, wait, so the new guy on the island is Slade Wilson? Uh, you got some ‘splainin’ to do. Cuz that’s Deathstroke. Oh boy. I think things are about to get interesting. Especially as Ollie decides to have another chat with his mother, but this time as the The Hood and I don’t think it’s going to go well.


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