Star Guardian Jinx Cosplayer Reveals All To Fans


I’ve always been curious about how these cinematic cosplay photos are being done. Are there objects in the photo that are permanent and are there some that are added digitally? Is the background real or is it green screen? Is this how the lighting really is when the photo was taken? These kinds of questions always come into my mind when scrolling through these cosplay photos.

Not all cosplayers are honest enough to admit they do some rendering on their photos, but this particular cosplayer shared her before and after photos online for all her followers to see.

One of the obvious change we see here is that the lighting is very different before and after. Obviously, not everyone has strobe lights or spotlights in their closet and so even if they have the perfect background, there’s no guarantee of a good lighting. I now understand that there just are some elements that some need to be add digitally rather than having them in the actual shoot.

Cosplayer: 狐裂


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