It’s a very Razor Candi Easter


Okay, I have to admit I never thought to put Razor Candi and Easter Bunny into the same sentence unless the words “what’s the easiest F. Marry Kill you’ve seen?” came with it. When I saw the assignment saying Psycho Bunny, I knew I was in for a treat. I had to laugh when I saw the title as it reminded me of this girl I knew who would dress as a rabbit and follow David Bowie around on tour. It got to the point where he mentioned seeing the rabbit on a plane. My initial giggle down memory lane aside, this shoot starts out so hot, I honestly have my doubts that any of this is safe for work. I definitely know most of it isn’t. If you read the description below, you will find out why too.

How to describe this shoot? Well, you see, RazorCandi has some rocking face bunny makeup going. I really dug it. It is a simple touch that went a long way. The ears were cute and the tail was, well, I can’t show you the tail! You’ll have to see for yourself, but when I read she used her Christmas costume to make the tail, I was rather impressed. What really rocks about this shoot is her shoes. Seriously. Have you ever seen spikes like that before? I’m pretty sure those require ballet classes to even walk in (plus, I think they are a registered weapon in 13 states, don’t quote me on that, though).

She’s the dark version of the Easter Bunny coming here to really put a spring into our step. I can’t show you any of my real favorite photos because they either display her tail or her toy (and sometimes her toy goes where her tail was), but I can show you these pretty cool Safe-ish for Work photos.


Lovin’ this mix of creepy and cute. Though the outfit resembles a little bit of others from the past it was time I recycled garments to avoid having to overspend on my budget. I even got creative and made the ‘tail’ out of fur off the trimming of an old Christmas hat and busted out my favorite black cock, though I’m a little disappointed that I spent far too much on the latex panties that don’t fit right, bummer! Luckily the set isn’t all about the panties but more about the overall presence. Hope you like my attempt at making Easter a little darker 😉


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