League of Legends’ Veigar by Jessica Nigri at Anime Expo 2015


Today’s fabulous cosplay feature is Veigar, the “Tiny Master of Evil”, brought to you by the legendary buxom cosplay princess Jessica Nigri. In League of Legends, Veigar is a pint-sized force of malevolence and terror, but there’s definitely nothing “tiny” about Jessica’s portrayal here… if you get my drift. In fact, they’re damn huge… man! Always loved that about Jessica’s cosplays!

Ahem, back to the subject matter. Jessica Nigri is no stranger to epic cosplays, as she’s probably one of the most recognizable names in quality American cosplay, along with the likes of Yaya Han and Linda Le (Vampy). Born in Nevada, United States, Jessica grew up in New Zealand, where her mother is from. She eventually moved back to America, and has since resided in the state of Arizona. She has been a professional cosplayer since 2009, oftentimes acting as a media representative for various gaming and anime related companies. Nigri has mentioned that she will eventually retire (one day in the far future) from cosplaying and modeling in order to pursue a career in marketing and advertising.

I, for one, am extremely pleased that she won’t be retiring anytime soon. I’m seriously in love with this gal! She always brings her A-game for her cosplays, and this Veigar costume is no exception. Just look at the quality and detail of her faux-metal armor pieces. As always, her cosplay costume takes full advantage of her smoking-hot figure and bustiness. I have no complaints! No complaints at all!

You can see more of Jessica Nigri’s sexy cosplays over at her Facebook fanpage, or at her official website. She also has an online store for her cosplay and modeling prints. You can also follower her on Twitter.

Photos were taken from the recently concluded Anime Expo 2015 at Los Angeles, California.

Jessica Nigri's Veigar
Jessica Nigri's Veigar
Jessica Nigri's Veigar
League of Legends' Veigar


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