Reige Zooms Her Way Through Mario Kart


For someone named Reige, there is a noticeable lack thereof when it comes to her playing video games, but I do commend her for not breaking her controller during Mario Kart unlike some people. Some people definitely being me. Maybe. That one time.

It’s not easy calming through the storm of many mushrooms and bananas and obstacles that find their way on the track, but she’s definitely got the skill for it. And even when she gets knocked down, she gets back up again to cruise her way into a victory and if not, to try again. Yet again, I’m impressed with the calmness.

Vroom vroom, Reige is making her way to true victory!

Reige Zooms Her Way Through Mario Kart

Reige Zooms Her Way Through Mario Kart

Reige Zooms Her Way Through Mario Kart

Reige writes:

Konnichiwassup! I’m Rei, and I’m an American girl living in Japan since 2018. When I initially moved here, I didn’t know a single soul. Now, through lots of trial and error (mostly error) I have made a home here! Despite any obstacle, I know I will rise to meet it. One thing I like is a good challenge!


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