Reige Does Not In Fact Get Road Rage In Mario Kart


I’d think that with a name like Reige, I would be seeing lots of raging especially when it comes to all those goddamn characters that keep cutting off the race track and throwing bananas and knocking people off with mushrooms and— but she is in fact, a very calm driver.

Game night with her is a combination of an extremely chill hour or so where she gets to play with some people and take the edge off, but not without keeping everyone entertained with some less than SFW stuff or jokes. Because who doesn’t love a bit of humor when Toad just so happens to knock you off and destroy your streak and—

I know they say slow and steady wins the race and Reige has taken up that mindset as she slowly cruises her way through the many biomes and environments in Mario Kart – and whooshes past the finish line in top time.

Reige Does Not In Fact Get Road Rage In Mario Kart

Reige Does Not In Fact Get Road Rage In Mario Kart

Reige Does Not In Fact Get Road Rage In Mario Kart

Reige writes:

Konnichiwassup! I’m Rei, and I’m an American girl living in Japan since 2018. When I initially moved here, I didn’t know a single soul. Now, through lots of trial and error (mostly error) I have made a home here! Despite any obstacle, I know I will rise to meet it. One thing I like is a good challenge!


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