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Yarrow Plays SKALD: Against the Black Priory

Yarrow Plays SKALD: Against the Black Priory

Look, I am so happy to get to have a bit of retro gaming back because I really have been into the pixelated games as of late and seeing Yarrow get back into SKALD:...

KaileyKetchum Plays Diablo IV

KaileyKetchum Plays Diablo IV

I really don’t think I’ve picked up Diablo in a while but I am so here for KaileyKetchum playing it because it really did used to occupy quite a lot of my time at...

Canndy_hott Perfects Ganyu

Canndy_hott Perfects Ganyu

Ganyu I can probably (and often) spot from a mile away just because there are a few elements that just reveal her immediately but when it comes to Cannddy_Hot, I know...

Genshin Impact With Coraline226

Genshin Impact With Coraline226

Coraline226 is a woman of culture and she knows which video games to play at any given time. Which I am so here to vibe with, equally as much as I am to see just how her...

RpgMona Plays Fall Guys

RpgMona Plays Fall Guys

I too am a fan of Fall Guys. Except sometimes I’m not. In fact, I would say a lot of times I’m not purely based on the fact that there’s too many times...

CharliexJade Avoids Obstacles In Golf With Your Friends

CharliexJade Avoids Obstacles In Golf With Your Friends

Golfing is a lot of fun and it’s even more fun when you have some friends to play with. That’s the experience CharliexJade is getting today by playing a few rounds...

Megaria_Blum’s Fall Guys Journey Looks Steep

Megaria_Blum’s Fall Guys Journey Looks Steep

There’s Fall Guys to be had and well, not actually invited to fall anywhere, hopefully, but maybe Megaria_Blum has taken the job a little bit too literally because it...

KaileyKetchum Blasts Her Way Through Overwatch

KaileyKetchum Blasts Her Way Through Overwatch

It’s always a great time when KaileyKetchum is online and hosting a show in front of her camera. Right now I can hear some pew pew sounds coming from the room as she...

Nekobeanxo Is A Fornite Master

Nekobeanxo Is A Fornite Master

I too am fond of Fortnite masters just because I really can’t play the game. It does look like she’s taking things pretty strategically and I can always...

Nikki_Haze Zooms In Mario Kart

Nikki_Haze Zooms In Mario Kart

In the off chance that I do actually get to play some Mario Kart, what I don’t get to play is with a whole boat of people and still steamroll all of them without...

Coraline226's A-Moo-Zing Trip To Teyvat

Coraline226’s A-Moo-Zing Trip To Teyvat

There are fierce battle noises coming from Coraline226’s room, but there’s no reason to be worried. Those are all coming from her computer as she is in the middle of...

Evamilaa Plays Don't Starve Together

Evamilaa Plays Don’t Starve Together

Don’t Starve Together is one thousand percent one of those games that I just buckle in, sit down and decide to play for ages until I’m sick of it for years...


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