Tarnished SmurfKys Looks For Grace


Heed thee warning, filthy Tarnished. For the Grace of the Erdtree must bask its light upon ye to survive the Lands Between should the task be successful, SmurfKys. The earth and water bring death, as do the dead.

A wielder of magic, a staff of choice and glintshards for weapons make for distant victory even strung upon Torrent. How else will the ghosts of new be put to rest in a land with no light? It is a tough task, Tarnished, with challenges great to overcome, and the blessing of Grace to guide thee forth.

Now come, Tarnished SmurfKys. The deed is not yet done. I invite chaos, and the Lord of Madness does too. For it is the only path forward to truly cleanse those who have brought upon the unnatural.

Tarnished SmurfKys Looks For Grace

Tarnished SmurfKys Looks For Grace

Tarnished SmurfKys Looks For Grace

SmurfKys writes:

Username: SmurfKys
CamScore: 1120
Gender: Female
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Age: 20
Country: Slovakia
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Smoke: Herb


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