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Bleach (live action)

Whether or not you are a fan of the manga/anime version, watching the live action of “Bleach” would be at the top of your list the second it was advertised...

Special Forces Reaper

This time Cosplay-Mates puts the Reaper into a blond wig with a very long set of pigtails and gives her a green and red special forces make over. The outfit actually...

Reaper v Stones: The ultimate challenge

It has all been coming down to this. We will finally see which model can outbox the other courtesy of Cosplay-Mate. The Reaper takes her street fighter JCVD style look...

Double Fantasy, Double Heels, Double Fun

This Double Fantasy shoot by Cosplay-Mate brings back the Reaper and Stones. They both are wearing pretty revealing clothing and the Reaper has a bungee cord suspenders...

Hunting Zombies in Style

Cosplay-Mate brings us their Zombie Slayer shoot. It looks a lot like a Resident Evil set. Okay, so this is the director’s cut that I often play in my head when I...


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