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JJJuniper on Anime

No, my J button didn’t stick. We have a new model in JJJuniper and she is a big Anime fan. I know a little bit about Anime, but my exposure is probably more...

Goth Royalty, the new Queen of Disney

It was her hair. The bright red crow’s nest of hair topped with a black bow that brings me into the room. With a name like GothRoyalty, I am not sure what to...

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Devil Horns Punk Taxidermy Tentacle Dildo

I was just browsing AltPorn.Net because I wanted to write a post about the APN Awards nominations, but I got distracted by a post about LeRenardRouge by Spider Mike. I...

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Pinkie Pookie Pink-haired Pierced Plushie

Pinkie Pookie. Plushie. Seriously, Pinkie Pookie has an absolute wall of stuffed animals behind her right now. She has pink hair and facial piercings and she is taking...

Geek Girls Online Tersh

Location: Brisbane, Australia Occupation: Childcare Lady! Favorites Video Game: i like easy games haha, and resident evil. Anime: Gunslinger Girl! Movie: Lost Boys, Bill...


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