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The Best Cosplay of PAX Prime 2015

Another year, another awesome PAX Prime, and along with it, epic cosplays of all shapes and sizes. For the unfamiliar, PAX (or Penny Arcade Expo) is a bunch of annual...

The Witcher 3’s Yennefer by Eve Beauregard at PAX Prime 2015

Famed cosplayer Eve Beauregard graces us today with her impressive rendition of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt’s sultry magic-using seductress, Yennefer of Vengerberg....

Mortal Kombat X’s Kitana and Mileena by Ellipses Cosplay at PAX Prime 2015

Ellipses Cosplay brings us today’s cosplay featurette with their renditions of Mortal Kombat X‘s sexy assassins Kitana and Mileena. Now, I’m not that...

Warmachine’s Allison Jakes by AllieCat Cosplay at PAX Prime 2015

Today’s cosplay spotlight is brought to you by AllieCat Cosplay featuring Lieutenant Allison Jakes of the tabletop game Warmachine. Now, what is Warmachine, you...


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