Mortal Kombat X’s Kitana and Mileena by Ellipses Cosplay at PAX Prime 2015


Ellipses' Kitana and Mileena

Ellipses Cosplay brings us today’s cosplay featurette with their renditions of Mortal Kombat X‘s sexy assassins Kitana and Mileena. Now, I’m not that familiar with this version of Mortal Kombat. The last two MK games I played in the franchise were the first two on the SNES “retro” gaming console. Back then, it wasn’t so retro, but then again I was only a kid when it came out. Now, we have the tenth installment of the game. Oh my, how time flies!

Here’s a little backgrounder on the Mortal Kombat fighting franchise, for those unfamiliar with it. It’s basically an ultra-violent fighting game that features lots of blood, gore, decapitations and similar nasty, icky stuff. Like any fighting game, the objective is to beat up your opponent with special moves that damage the enemy’s life. In the Mortal Kombat franchise, the real fun begins when you win over your opponent. Before the match ends, you’re given time to perform a special “Fatality” move that utterly destroys your foe in gruesome and insane ways. It’s a fun bonus to winning and is probably the main attraction for casual fans of the game. Anyway, back to the cosplayers!

Ellipses Cosplay is actually a new cosplay group consisting of three girls from Canada. Not too many details on them on their social media pages, other than they’re into lots of geeky stuff like gaming and comics. Their names are Taylor, Kat and Erin. Taylor’s portraying Kitana (the blue one with the steel fans) and Kat’s on Mileena duty. Erin was cosplaying a different, unrelated character (Tomb Raider’s Lara Croft), so she’s not part of the ensemble.

erin lara croft

Seriously great showing for a relatively new cosplay group. I’m impressed with the quality and detail of their outfits. And they were even dedicated enough to roleplay their characters in a “battle scene” shoot. Awesome work. Here’s hoping they show up in more cosplay conventions in the future!

Ellipses Cosplay has an official Facebook fan page and an Instagram account for their cosplay photos.

The first photo above was taken by David Ngo Photography at the recent PAX Prime 2015 in Seattle, Washington.

Ellipses' Kitana and Mileena
Mortal Kombat X's Kitana and Mileena


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