So, I hear you like Overwatch. That means you’d appreciate a good cosplay, yeah? Overwatch is among the top if not the best multiplayer first person shooting game to...
Ever since her Spiral Cats (a professional cosplay group) days and even after she left to go solo, Aza has continued to capture the attention of the worldwide cosplay...
Kang Yun Jin who is more known to the cosplay community as “Aza” is a Korean cosplayer who was among the famous faces that were spotted at Japan’s Winter Comic...
No one to take a photo with? Then why not take a photo with yourself? It’s a sad thought I know, but it sure doesn’t seem that way for Aza who not only had fun...
Here’s a delectable treat for those familiar with League of Legends, the world’s most popular MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena). The sultry yet equally...
Bow down you pigs human clothing! It’s Aza Miyuko cosplaying as the prideful, Lady Satsuki Kiryuin wearing a transformed Junketsu from the original anime series, Kill...
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