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Elunaxc, A Beautiful Jedi Wielding A Double-bladed Lightsaber

I like how elunaxc twirls her lightsaber. It is double-bladed, which is a design I first saw on The Phantom Menace and on the Star Wars KOTOR games, and hers has a very...

BdayJess Makes Jedi Sexy With Her Ahsoka Tano Cosplay

I think this is my favorite look of May the fourth, and it makes me feel excited because you can tell BdayJess put a lot of love into her Ahsoka Tano cosplay. She’s...

Much Lighstaber, This AphiaDeMieux Has

Much Lighstaber, This AphiaDeMieux Has

Nothing gets me going quite like the vvvrrrrmm (yes, that is exactly how they sound) noise every time a Lighstaber becomes… erect? AphiaDeMieux whipped hers out...

AlessaGoreng's Glowing Sailor Moon Show

AlessaGoreng’s Glowing Sailor Moon Show

The Sailor Moon franchise looks to have a new addition today in the form of AlessaGoreng. She isn’t cosplaying any particular character, instead she has created a...

Darth Calissii Awakens The Beauty Of The Dark Side

Darth Calissii Awakens The Beauty Of The Dark Side

The dark side of the force is tempting indeed, but it has never had a power so intense than the one it displays today, as its allure seems to be at its highest point...

Zorah and Devorah: Two Girls, One Lightsaber

They simulate what with the lightsaber?! That’s all you need to read. Go click. Many a young padawan graduated to full-fledged Jedi Master after watching the video...

Zorah In Satele Shan Cosplay Lightsaber Play

I love Star Wars cosplays, there is just something incredibly sexy about a beautiful woman wielding a lightsaber, especially when she is cosplaying in a way as great as...

Rey by Starbit.

Starbit Uses the Force as Rey

Breaking out of the widely adored Star Wars The Force Awakens without a doubt is the character of Rey. And showing everyone how to cosplay as this character is cosplayer...

Angela’s Satele Shan Cosplay Shows The Sexiness Of The Old Republic

Angela is cosplaying as the gorgeous and powerful jedi Satele Shan in this lovely CosplayErotica photo set and video combo. A nice feature that her costume possesses is...

The Force is strong with Cosplay Erotica

As we all come down from a Star Wars induced high, it’s time to review a bit of the cosplay that the Star Wars universe inspired. Cosplay Erotica comes out strong...

Bastila Makes You Feel The Force Flowing Through You

Ah, memories… If you haven’t played KOTOR, Marilyn will have you wish you had, and if you did, then she will have you dusting off the old Xbox to play the game, if...

gamer lana leia kitty cam

Dancing Kitty Leia Gamer Lana

Sexy redhead Gamer Lana has wire kitty ears and a Princess Leia Slave Leia get-up. She has been dancing slowly to trancelike music. The Slave Leia bikini might be only...


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