Category: IRL

I’m Getting Some Smooching Today

Mistletoe is the common name for various evergreen parasitic plants of the families Loranthaceae and Viscaceae, especially “European Mistletoe” Viscum album...

Can I be a Viking?

One of the most popular traditions associated with the celebration of Christmas, the Christmas tree is normally an evergreen coniferous tree that is brought in the house...

Merry Paganmas Customs and Traditions

An enormous number of customs surround Christmas, and vary from country to country. Many aspects, such as the Christmas tree, holly, the Christmas ham, the Yule Log, and...

Understanding High Elves Who Make Passes

Here is the somewhat dryer free encyclopedia breakdown of what otherkin are. An otherkin is a person who believes themself to be a species other than Homo sapiens....

What are otherkin?

Otherkin are people who believe rightly or wrongly that the sort of people they are is not the human type. If anyone ever hit on you at a con claiming to actually be a...

Doll No Mori Makes Hentai Perves Dreams Cum True

According to the Tokyo Times, there is now a solution for the everyman who would really like to have sex with a semi-convincing artificial woman but alas, does not have...

Sensible Erection Likes Sexy Fandom!

I just got a message that I’m on Sensible Erection, the site for intelligent people with enormous genitalia. Sensible Erection just wrote about Sexy Fandom calling...

Dragon Page Likes Sexy Fandom!

Dragon Page just reviewed my little site saying “Not safe for work. Not safe for children. Not safe for the easily offended. It is however, science fiction...

Elves at Christmas

The modern children’s folklore of Santa Claus (USA, Canada, and Britain) typically includes diminutive, green-clad elves as Santa’s assistants. They wrap...

NES Belt Buckle

Once brushed off as merely a myth in the video game world, the long rumored, much talked about NES Buckle is now available to grace your pants. Belt not included. Yes,...

Disturbing Future Dystopia is Now

I read a really disturbing entry in author William Gibson’s blog yesterday. The New York Times Magazine wrote a long profile of a creepy company who hires your...

Sexy Fandom is a Hobby

Some people seem to think this site is my reason for being. Some people apparently believe that I am famous for doing this site. I am both pleased and surprised at how...


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