Doll No Mori Makes Hentai Perves Dreams Cum True


According to the Tokyo Times, there is now a solution for the everyman who would really like to have sex with a semi-convincing artificial woman but alas, does not have the cash. According to current exchange rates, a quality silicone-molded Real Doll type sex toy in Japan would set a silicone-curious person back about $5,760.09. So the Doll No Mori company is renting them out big pimpin style. The anime style high tech love dollie is apparently a popular model. Yes, hentai fans, you read that correctly. You can now have sex with a somewhat convincing little anime girl. Tentacles not included.

What I want to know is when they are going to come out with the licensed merch models for the ladies. I want to put my name on the waiting list for the Vash model.

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