NES Belt Buckle


Once brushed off as merely a myth in the video game world, the long rumored, much talked about NES Buckle is now available to grace your pants. Belt not included. Yes, it’s a real Nintendo controller, yes, its a real belt buckle, and yes, it will actually hold up your trousers. Yes, someone has figured out how to somewhat mass produce belt buckles made from Nintendo Entertainment System pieces. They will buy your used controllers too, so long as they are not extremely scratched up, cracked or chipped or discolored controllers. This allows the site to guarantee that, even though your belt buckle might be made from a used NES, scratches will be nothing noticeable from a foot away. Are they saying that no one will get closer to your groin that a foot if you are wearing one of these conversation pieces? Hope not. The site even features a gallery of user photos of people so proud of wearing this ultimate geek accessory that they modeled for it for free. Some of the pix are really cute too.

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