Category: IRL

Who is Kerry Conran?

Kerry Conran is a writer/director who came to Hollywood via an unconventional route. He was an avid fan of 1930’s science fiction serials. As an animation student...

Why Unions Are Not Always Good

The only wrinkle in the Sin City deal was that Frank Miller was to be given a co-director credit which Robert Rodriguez was fine with giving. The wrinkle part being that...

Teenage Kix Likes Sexy Fandom!

The Teenage Kix blog uses erudite language to describe teener porno to entertaining effect. Teenage Kix had this to say about Sexy Fandom, “Something else struck...

How Did We Get a Digital File from Robert Rodriguez?

There is an interesting and I hope not apocryphal story about how Robert Rodriguez convinced comic book auteur Frank Miller to allow Sin City to be committed to the...

What is the Hugo Award?

The Hugo Awards are determined by the membership of each WorldCon, including both attending and supporting members. They are given to honor extraordinary works of...

Cookie Monster Learns to His Chagrin that Cookies Are a Sometimes Food

Blue Blood’s Amelia G wrote a humorously poignant ode to Cookie Monster for She included some great barroom bet winner trivia and a surprisingly...

Snark and Mayhem Likes Sexy Fandom!

The Snark and Mayhem blog recently had this to say about Sexy Fandom, “Yes Virgina, somewhere, somehow, there is a fandom sex blog. I wish I was making this up....


I meant to mention something about the toothing hoax perpetrated by Galker’s Gizmodo last week, but I was feeling too irritable about the forthcoming Hitchhikers...

What Did Teddy Do with the Snake in the Garden of Eden?

It is known from tomb paintings in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamian civilisations that stuffed animals existed in those societies for religious purposes, and undoubtedly...

What is a Stuffed Animal?

A stuffed animal describes a toy animal stuffed with straw, beans, cotton, and other similar materials. Some stuffed animals are very old – home made cloth dolls...

Sure As Death and Taxes

Science Fiction author Damon Knight died on April 15 in 2002. I am not a member of SFWA as the WGA is far better at negotiating anything I would be working on for the...

Coronal mass ejection

A coronal mass ejection is a solar event which emits a burst of plasma (electrons and protons). On Earth, such ejections disrupt the magnetosphere and can deplete the...


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