Category: Fandom

What is a Vampire

A vampire is a mythical or folkloric creature said to subsist on human or animal blood often having magical powers and the ability to transform. Usually the vampire is...

Soft science fiction

Soft science fiction or soft SF is science fiction whose plots and themes tend to focus on human feelings, while de-emphasizing the details of technological hardware and...

The term fantasy

There is no universally accepted definition of “Fantasy Fiction,” and furthermore, the characteristics of the form and its many overlapping sub-genres are...

What is fantasy?

In literature, fantasy is a form of fiction, usually novels or short stories, though fantasy role-playing games comic books and movies are also popular. In its broadest...

What is hard SF?

It is not what you are thinking. Get your minds out of the gutter. Hard science fiction, or hard SF, is a subgenre of science fiction characterized by an interest in...

Femme Slash Fiction

Femmeslash (also known as femslash, girlslash, yuri, or shoujo-ai) is a variation on the traditional definition of slash — homosexual/homoerotic/homoromantic...

Slash Fiction

Slash fiction is fan fiction, describing gay pairings between media characters, often in explicit detail, and very frequently outside the canon of the source. The name...

The Term Cyberpunk

The term was originally coined in 1980 by Minnesota writer Bruce Bethke for his short story, “Cyberpunk,” which was first published in Amazing Science...

Sex in Science Fiction

Modern science fiction frequently involves themes of sex, gender and sexuality. This was not always so. During the 1930s and 40s “golden age” of science...


Cyberpunk (a portmanteau of cybernetics and punk) is a sub-genre of science fiction which focuses on computers or information technology. The plot of cyberpunk...

Blue Blood

The first place I ever saw science fiction erotica was in Blue Blood Magazine. I got a copy at a Baltimore science fiction convention and took off full tilt and...

What is SF?

The earliest known usage of the term “science fiction” is in 1851 (in Chapter 10 of William Wilson’s A Little Earnest Book upon a Great Old Subject),...


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