Zoe Grabow

Kennigma’s Intriguing Melisandre Game of Thrones Cosplay

When people think about what they consider to be the most defining components of a cosplay, their minds probably wouldn’t go automatically to pose. But this...

Osric Chau’s Han Solo Star Wars Cosplay

Featured at VegasCon 2014, this cosplay by actor Osric Chau has great flair. It’s good to see a jovial Han Solo, since his serious “I mean business”...

Whimsical Crossover Star Wars and Frozen Cosplay by LifeofShel and Maid of Might Cosplay

This Frozen/Star Wars crossover cosplay might just be the best thing ever. Might beat Frozen/Game of Thrones. I don’t know. I suspect I never will. LifeofShel plays...

Cool, Callous Kylo Ren Gender-Bent Cosplay By Mistress of Fear

The Darth Vader of his time, Kylo Ren brings darkness to the awakening force in the latest Star Wars movie. He also has the difficulty of going up against not one but...

Brothadom’s Finn Star Wars Cosplay

There’s so much to like about this cosplay. The jacket looks exactly like Poe’s (which he leant to Finn). Brothadom has a serious profile here that’s...

Michele Boyd’s Female Han Solo Star Wars Cosplay

This gender-bent Han Solo cosplay is just fantastic, mainly because Michele Boyd seems to be a huge Star Wars nerd and knows what she’s doing. The red stripes on...

Mowseler Star Wars Rey Cosplay

Star Wars cosplayer Mowseler makes her own outfits—and is incredibly good at it! Here she appears as Rey from Episode VII with a costume made from dyed cotton jersey,...

Smzeldarules and Raph’s Katara and Aang Avatar Cosplay

Aang and Katara’s relationship in Avatar: The Last Airbender is pretty awkward due to the age difference, but this Colossalcon 2015 cosplay by smelzarules and her...

Ginny Di’s Epic Arya Stark Game of Thrones Cosplay

In Game of Thrones, Arya Stark’s young age never stops her from kicking some serious ass. Her sword, Needle, looks good in this cosplay by Ginny Di, and the...

Feathertricks’ Go Go Big Hero 6 Cosplay

Big Hero 6 is a pretty cool movie. San Fransokyo should be a real place, and Go Go Tomago should be a real person because she’s just that cool. This cosplay by...

Adorable Spock Star Trek and Jaden Yuki Yu-Gi-Oh Cosplay by Opposite of Amnesia and Honestly I Have No Idea How His Hair Does That

This cosplay pairing isn’t one you’d expect, but there’s a pretty awesome reason behind it: Opposite of Amnesia and Honestly I Have no Idea How His...

Cliff Cosplay’s Creepy Green Lantern DC Cosplay

This cosplay doesn’t exactly extend St. Patrick’s Day spirit, but it has a few elements in common with the popular holiday. The drinking element may be...


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