
Katarina in the Flame

Katarina is a champion from the MOBA game, League of Legends. I know many people play league of legends but let me introduce who this Katarina is for those who don’t....

Destruction and Chaos in a girl

“My guardian deity is the planet of silence. The soldier of death and rebirth, Sailor Saturn!” Our character IS Sailor Saturn but we’ll be discussing...

Yuuko Ichihara Holic

One of the first anime that went worldwide. You remember that time when Anime wasn’t considered much? Yes they appear in some noon time shows worldwide but at one...

Juri the untamed animal

One cute but hell of a fighting machine. Our character for today is someone who has very strong rivalry with Chun li. Even though Chun Li was able to arrest her twice it...

Panty Anarchy

“My name is Panty, the crazy sexy blondie, and I’m not dumb. I’m breaking the news, now boys! Us girls, we’re full-time horny too!” Well...

Instant Kill Katarina

I know many people play league of legends but let me introduce who our character for today is for those who don’t know. Driven by an intense killer instinct, Katarina...

Villain’s Meme Chan

“Everything I touch crumbles down in this imaginary world. How many times I have to rebuild it?” Let’s talk about some not popular but worthy of...

Power Babe Yaya Han

I see camels I press like. There are many heroine in the dc universe but there’s one heroine who doesn’t have as much screen time as Wonder Woman but is as popular...

Yaya Han invaded by the Skrulls

Let’s go for something different. It’s common to see cosplay of famous heroes and villains. Heroes like Black Cannary, Storm, Captain America, Black Widow and...

Valentine Bounty Hunter

Cowboys at its finest. Who would forget the most well known anime at early age, Cowboy Bebop which won the 1999 Anime Grand Prix, won TWO 1st place awards which are the...

Honky Tonky Valentine

“It’s better to have real solitude all by yourself.” Wise words from someone sexy like Faye Valentine. I’m sure most of you have watched Cowboy...

Hunter in the Night

Every hero has a story, not that I’m some kind of hero. But there comes a point when to survive, the hunted must become the Huntress. This Huntress is rolling in...


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