I truly believe that she’ll get more girls than me. Today we’ll discuss a classic Final Fantasy Character from the very first Final fantasy game where it starts with...
I really thought she was a female venom smh. We all know there had been serveral version and creation of Spiderman in the marvel universe. There’s a spiderman in the...
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star How I wonder where the freakin hell is Sheryl Nome?! For setting where it takes place in space, Sheryl Nome is one hell of an idol. I mean,...
When the darkness embraces earth at night. I’m not really a die hard fan of Sailor Moon but when I encountered this Mistress cosplay I’ve got to share it to you...
A woman can fight. There are tons of characters in One Piece and some aren’t given much attention so today we’ll discuss some of those characters, for...
Ever played the game Final Fantasy Type 0? It’s a game where there are so many characters and doesn’t have a single main protagonist and each and every...
Diablo Wizard is a Vintage Wizard. How was I able to say that? The Wizard and Sorceress class in Diablo are one of the first class in not only Diablo but the whole RPG...
Durararararararaa. That’s the name of the anime where our character for todays appears. I’m not kidding that’s really the title of the anime. Despite the...
Angels angels angels. Not Legends Legends Legends, I’ve got to admit when I saw this game or everytime I saw it being advertised in facebook I always misread it as...