Reige Zooms In Mario Kart


Reige is very good at Mario Kart. I say that because I do not have the patience to deal with some of these races and the bananas or mushrooms that keep sliding across the curves. But she is very calm, cool, collected and maybe a little bit angry at times, but overall entertained.

I love when she does her gaming hours because I love a good bit of gameplay at any day of the week. There’s also something so nice about seeing a little chill game time – not something I can relate with. Or my controllers.

The zoomies are quite the addiction and Reige has them – well, in the form of Mario Kart, at least.

Reige Zooms In Mario Kart

Reige Zooms In Mario Kart

Reige Zooms In Mario Kart

Reige writes:

Konnichiwassup! I’m Rei, and I’m an American girl living in Japan since 2018. When I initially moved here, I didn’t know a single soul. Now, through lots of trial and error (mostly error) I have made a home here! Despite any obstacle, I know I will rise to meet it. One thing I like is a good challenge!


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