BladeBunny Meows Her Way Through Stray


BladeBunny is getting some of her kitty experiences from home and bringing them forward into Stray – the futuristic kitty game that brings together the apocalypse, the robots taking over and the inevitability of kitties surviving it all.

It looks like she’s in the middle of the game as she just gets the revolutionaries going through some of the lower parts of the city as she tries to get to the very top and hopefully help the robots exit the confines of the dome that they’re trapped in.

With a big smile on her face and just a little bit of annoyance that the little squishies are trying to overwhelm the kitty, BladeBunny is ready to continue her adventure!

BladeBunny Meows Her Way Through Stray

BladeBunny Meows Her Way Through Stray

BladeBunny Meows Her Way Through Stray

BladeBunny writes:

Gender: Female
Body Type: Slim/Petite
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Green
Weight: 130 Pounds
Height: 5’8″
Age: 19


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