DeviantxxxDarling And Lilith Have Split Up From The Gang


Creepers! It looks like the gang has split up once again. It seems that there’s a mystery afoot and who better to solve it than the two girls whose powers combined make them a force to (not) be reckoned with? DeviantxxxDarling as Daphne and Lilith as Velma have both outdone themselves in their outfits – it’s unmistakably the two babes of the group!

I really love the attention to detail to each outfit and the almost splitting up between the purple and orange that’s happening on the couch. Both of them are incredibly giggly and giddy throughout the whole show – and both are seemingly looking to get naughtier than what I remember happening during the cartoon.

Jinkies, it’s DeviantxxxDarling and Lilith and they’re ready to solve some mysteries!

DeviantxxxDarling And Lilith Have Split Up From The Gang

DeviantxxxDarling And Lilith Have Split Up From The Gang

DeviantxxxDarling writes:

Real Name: Lady Lydia
Followers: 16294
I am: A Woman
Interested In: Women, Men, Couples, Trans
Location: The Void


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