Black Canary Cosplay by Raychul Moore


Black Canary was one of the founding members of Justice League in “Justice League Origins“. She’ a metahuman with a super sonic voice, known as “The Canary Cry”, that she use to easily defeat her enemies. So evil doers must be more careful and prepare their ears for this sexy bird’s deadly cry!

Perhaps it’s because of Black Canary’s sexy appeal and deadly prowess that made people admire her. Raychul Moore was one of the avid fans of Black Canary. She even wore this cosplay in “MCM London Comic Con” and “Indy Pop Con“.

Check out our magazine interview with her as well. This multitalented cosplayer is amazing!

Raychul Moore's Black Canary Cosplay

Raychul Moore’s Black Canary Cosplay

Raychul Moore's Black Canary Cosplay

Raychul Moore’s Black Canary Cosplay

Raychul Moore's Black Canary Cosplay

Raychul Moore’s Black Canary Cosplay

Black Canary

Black Canary


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