Endearing Big Hero 6 Cosplay by Jin, Miguel, and Kero


Brotherly love is seriously underrated, and Big Hero 6 showed us some of its best aspects by having the bond between brothers serve as a significant plot device. This cosplay shows Hiro (Jin) and Tadashi (Miguel) with Baymax (Kero) just chilling in various locations. (My favorite photo has the cloudy background.) Serious brownie points for finding a Baymax costume that could fit into frame! Photos by Reskiy and Kat show an incredible attention to detail here with fitting background props and poses similar to what the movie showed us. Awesome, awesome job.


“Welcome to nerd school, nerd.” → Hiro’s first day of class | SFIT student portrait | rejected SFIT student portrait | drunk roommate | “Hey, thanks for not giving up on me”


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