Arturia Alter and Jeanne d’Arc Duo Cosplay


One of the rewards of cosplaying aside from having a platform to express your creativity is getting to express it together with other like-minded individuals. Cosplay allows you to meet different people and gives you an opportunity to interact with people with the same preferences as you do. These interactions sometimes lead to collaborative works such as group cosplay. Group cosplay or Duo cosplay. As the name implies, it’s cosplaying characters from the same anime/show with other people.

This cosplay photoset of Arturia Alter and Jeanne d’Arc from the Fate series is a good example of two stunning cosplayers sharing this opportunity to show the world their love and talent for cosplay.

Arturia Alter Cosplayer: Momoko葵葵
Jeanne d’Arc Cosplayer: -凛子酱-
Photo by: 你喵哥_


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