Did You Miss Hestia?


Admit it ever since DanMachi (Danjon Ni Deai O Motomeru No Wa Machigatteiru Darō Ka) ended all fans, at some point, have missed this twin-tailed, baby faced little “loli big-boobs” and her quirks.

While the news of a new season is still yet to be announced(if not never announced) continues to make a buzz at certain fan groups and anonymous message boards, I bring you with a way to cope with your DanMachi withdrawal syndrome and that is by enjoying all the possible fan productions in relation to this title. Like this cosplay of Hestia by Meao.

We know the possibility of a bathtub or a lovely bedroom in a dungeon is close to zero but the cosplayers giving us a little preview of something you never saw in the anime or manga couldn’t possibly hurt. I mean, if artists can draw fanarts of anime characters in different situations as they imagine it, why can’t cosplayers be free do the same through cosplay, right?


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