Crossplayer from the Pearl of the Orient Sea


Have you ever been to a cosplay convention where you took photos of your favorite characters..thinking it was a guy but later found out it was a girl?

I saw Vaynard Darkhearth on social media because she posted her cosplay as Allen Walker of D’ Gray Man. I wondered who this cosplayer was but I was surprised to see her profile. This chick is one intense crossplayer and she only had very few female cosplays.

Vaynard Darkhearth is from Antipolo, Philippines and she just loved to crossplay because this is where her passion and comfort is!

Her Allen Walker crossplay only took 48 hours. Let me correct myself…that’s 48 sleepless hours! She said that the make up, styling and special details were done by her and she bought the costume from Freza Dresshop and her props from Shocross.

I don’t know about you guys but I really admire the people who crossplay because they put twice the effort to their crossplays. One: to look exactly like the character and two: to look exactly like the gender of the character they are portraying.


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