Anigumi Joukai on Easter Sunday


Here is another group of cosplayers in the Philippines — Anigumi Joukai from Iloilo City. They are usually present at Cosplay conventions in the Philippines and when they have nothing to do, they Cosplay and hang out everywhere. One example was last Easter Sunday. Their group decided to go to SM Iloilo wearing their costumes just for fun. They were not there to promote something, but they usually do this because they enjoy it and people who asks to take a picture with them also enjoys it.

For someone who has actually seen them at events, conventions or malls, they’re really approachable and it’s fun seeing them. Imagine yourself stepping into the mall, without any event whatsoever, and suddenly seeing a group in Cosplay.

So far, all the events and conventions I go to, I’ve spotted this group joining, so I can really say they are very active in Cosplay events in the Philippines.

Anigumi Joukai was formed by a group of friends in 2010 and that makes them 6 years this year. All I can say is “friends who Cosplay together, stay together”. Don’t you agree?


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