Elaborate Yakumo Yukari Cosplay


Touhou is well-known to have characters dressed in detailed and colorful clothing. When it comes to cosplay, recreating these attires is pretty much a hit or miss. However, Chinese cosplayer, Yau, along with her photographer certainly made sure not to skimp out on the details with this Yakumo Yukari cosplay.

Looking at it closely, the carefully chosen base cloth used is with embroidered patterns, the ruffles and the laces are well-sewn, and the dress overall seemed perfectly fitted for her physique. The set in which the photoshoot for this cosplay was done in was also well-prepped and it is evident that no effort was wasted into putting together the quaint little area.

Undoubtedly, Yau’s cosplay is one of the best Touhou cosplays that deserve recognition, but she currently seems to have shied away from the mainstream roads of social media. However, if you wish to follow more of her works, you can do so by taking a look HERE.


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