AnimeAnnie Velmas out with a tower of goodies


AnimeAnnie is probably my favorite cosplayer on the cam sites. Yes, she has great costumes. Yes, she is gorgeous. Yes, she has a great taste in music. The thing that really makes her my favorite pure cosplayer is that she is one of the nicest chat hostesses I’ve ever seen. She’s genuinely nice and it comes across rather powerfully in her shows. I really love the way she interacts with her room and how she has a positive outlook every time I am in the room. Trust me, in this job that’s a rather hard thing to pull off.

Speaking of pulling things off…this game is addicting. Anime Annie is playing a mix of ‘would you rather’ along with this rather cool Jenga game where you can destroy her tower and get a video of your choice. In fact, the game is so cool and fun, I hardly noticed that she is also running a few other themes tonight including a bit of a topless bid, an oral bid, and an O show. Okay, I lied. I definitely noticed those themes listed on the room topic. Tonight looks to be shaping up to be a great night.

P.S. Bonus geek points for the Bender drawing in the background. (Seriously, go check her out, her whole room is killer!)

Do you talk dirty or like dirty talk?
I enjoy dirty talk from time to time, but I prefer that you keep your dirty talk comments in a *private tip note.*

The reason is because the other members in the room don’t need to hear about what you’re doing, or what you’d like to do to me. It spoils their fantasy, so please keep it to yourself or in a *private tip note.*

Do you accept Private/True Private shows?
I take Private/True Privates by appointment only, and within my comfort levels. I do not wish to leave a countdown for a public show for a spur-of-the-moment private, so I prefer privates either before or after a public show, or scheduled for a specific time in advance.

If you’ve never taken me private before, I ask that you offer a tip of 500 tokens, as a show of faith that you are serious and will not waste my time.

Can you (show feet, show me your ass, or other request)?
If you have a request, include it in a tip note.
If my answer is no, please respect my limits.

How do I send you a private message?
I have limited PMs to my friends list only and it is at my discretion to remove you from my friends list at any time if I feel it’s necessary. (It is currently 200 tokens to be added to my friend’s list)

I may also add you to my friends list if you hang out and participate in my room, contribute to our countdowns and let me get to know you. If I feel comfortable with you, I might just add you.

Please be patient when sending PMs as I like to focus my attention on the public room, and may not be able to reply right away. If it’s important or urgent, get my attention with a tip note.
Tags: Cosplay, Busty, Friendly, Gamer, Playful, Big Boobs, Nice Ass, Flirty, Costumes, Kitten, Geek, Sexy, Sweet, Toys, New, Sensual, Roleplay, Fantasy, Tentacle, Pornstar


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