RazorCandi Seduction Extravaganza


In this set, you can admire RazorCandi sporting that extravagant but utterly gorgeous style that just lets you see a lot about her alternative side, and she portrays it very well. The levels of comfort she is able to present in this set with her outfit, black hair and beautiful dark makeup are fantastic, letting her artistic side shine through with a lot of sensuality about it.

Enjoy these images, coupled with the video where you get a deeper look at how this wonderful set came to be, and if you want to support her artistic endeavors, you can also check out her Kickstarter page where she has launched a campaign to publish a coffee table artbook of some of her works where you will get more from this stylish lady.



I felt the urge to revisit a more alternative look for this shoot and chose a fitting name to go along with it. Though wild and crazy things are becoming more accepted within fashion and even adult work every day I still often feel like I’m an outcast, hated and rejected by most because of the path I chose to follow with my outrageous looks and lifestyle choice but I’ve always set out to push boundaries and drive standards to the limit! Hope you all enjoy watching my creepy side get freaky 😉 Don’t forget to jump over to the video gallery as well to see the video I shot for this set!





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