BLT 25: Black Leather Times Punk Humor and Social Critique from the Zine Revolution


Some months ago, I backed the BLT Kickstarter for an omnibus collection of all the issues of the Black Leather Times punk humor zine ever collected. I pledged at the level where I got a nifty page for Sexy Fandom in the book, which shows a few of my favorite fan signs I’ve received from lovely performers Alessa Crow and Hyrule Fairy.

I am beyond thrilled to have gotten the book in. I used to be so excited every time I went to a science fiction con and there was a new issue of BLT. Culturally, it was the perfect cyberpunk mix of everything important to me at the time. Because I know I have a bit of a nostalgic feeling, I’m not going to do an extended review. Our resident PhD, Jim Phoenix, will be doing an in-depth write-up later this week. All I can say is that I love this book and I’m so happy it came out so quickly after the Kickstarter and I definitely recommend it.




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